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I'm Rick Coplin.
If you're a business owner, you're in the right place.
This site is designed to help you do one thing: be the leader your company, teams, and family deserve.
Why do I say “deserve?“
Simple. Your company, team, and family are worthy of your best at all times. Easy to say. Exceptionally difficult to do, especially in all three areas consistently.
If you are like most business owners, you know how to be successful. You've built a great team, you have been through plateaus, and the ups and downs of business. You've proved you know how to survive and thrive.
And yet, you may feel like your back is up against a wall. Growth has pressed you on all sides, taxed your capabilities, and revealed areas you need help.
You know there's more. More to you, more growth for your business and teams, and more you can do with and for your family.
This picture is of a text I received from one of my clients. He is a High Impact Business Owner who has lead his business for over thirty years. Together, we changed a few things.
His company, team, and family are reaping the benefits.
Here's how you can start your journey today in three steps:
When you know me well enough: